This is a pretty comprehensive overview. I am glad you have called out Tohatoha, FACT Aotearoa and InternetNZ. The last named used to be a tech outfit but has moved into the “safer Internet” space. The big shift was when the then CEO lined up with Ardern and supported the Christchurch Call. He was alongside Ardern at meetings of the Call with Macron et al. I still think the Disinformation Project gets more column inches than they merit. Their rhetoric and that of the above organisations is driven by Critical Thinking which is why it all sounds like it came from the same song sheet.

Thanks for your overviews.

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The Christchurch Call deserves greater analysis in this landscape - they've both achieved not much visibly - but at the same time plan some problematic outputs (the public private partnership on algorithms is concerning). I also looked in social cohesion work through MSD - an output of the Royal Commission - which appears to have been a framework, a few documents and now the pausing of a $2 million fund...hmm wonder why....

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