These posts are a useful reminder that we must never allow any government to behave this way again. Passive resistance being the preferred option should they try.
Love your descriptor "unhinged". As I watched a certain epidemiologist buy into his TV persona of expert on masking and the accompanying body language, I was delighted that recently he was being interviewed on the subject and the contrast between his defensive stance and that of earlier confidence and hubris was marked.
That's an interesting observation - I've been going through some of their very earliest documents for some upcoming posts and everything that was presented so confidently to the public was also consistently labelled within docs as incredibly 'uncertain'.
These posts are a useful reminder that we must never allow any government to behave this way again. Passive resistance being the preferred option should they try.
"Behave this way again" is a complete certainty at this point:
Love your descriptor "unhinged". As I watched a certain epidemiologist buy into his TV persona of expert on masking and the accompanying body language, I was delighted that recently he was being interviewed on the subject and the contrast between his defensive stance and that of earlier confidence and hubris was marked.
That's an interesting observation - I've been going through some of their very earliest documents for some upcoming posts and everything that was presented so confidently to the public was also consistently labelled within docs as incredibly 'uncertain'.
One wonders if this is a moot point, as those who have taken the jab and now have Bluetooth signal; can be connected to the "internet of things"