Contact tracing was 100% theater; being seen to ‘do something’. On a more sinister level it was about instilling fear and enforcing compliance; separating the sheep from the goats. In this instance the goats had it right. No one was ‘saved’ from Covid infection through contact tracing. It was as effective as the vaccines in preventing infection. But masking up, using your App and getting your booster was your passport to freedom, or was it serfdom? For most people the jury is out and the theatre season has closed, a miserable failure.
Contact tracing was 100% theater; being seen to ‘do something’. On a more sinister level it was about instilling fear and enforcing compliance; separating the sheep from the goats. In this instance the goats had it right. No one was ‘saved’ from Covid infection through contact tracing. It was as effective as the vaccines in preventing infection. But masking up, using your App and getting your booster was your passport to freedom, or was it serfdom? For most people the jury is out and the theatre season has closed, a miserable failure.
Never did it once, put name down as Jacinda Ardern.
I think i used that trick when it was mandatory too
I have some info on this is you want to chat? 🤔
Yes please - i'd be interested to post your experiences if you're up for writing about it??
Email me at!